The Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group is open to mutually beneficial collaborations with industrial and academic partners.
We can provide companies and academic collaborators with access to the world’s best Geotechnical and Environmental academics, researchers and students, together with state-of-the-art experimental facilities.
Experimental Collaborations
UKCRIC National Research facility for Infrastructure Sensing (NRFIS)
The University of Cambridge (UoC) hosts the UKCRIC National Research Facility for Infrastructure Sensing – a centre of excellence focused on the research and application of advanced sensor technologies for improved infrastructure design, construction, and maintenance. Located in the Civil Engineering Building, it is part of the UK Collaboratorium for Research on Infrastructure & Cities (UKCRIC) portfolio of research and innovation facilities funded through the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC).
NRFIS brings together state-of-the-art laboratories and engineering facilities, sensor development capabilities, and analytical and computational expertise to enable infrastructure monitoring and assessment across a range of scales. It is open to both academic and industry clients and offers an excellent way of leveraging the cutting-edge facilities and research staff at the University of Cambridge.
To find out more information about the facilities available and how NRFIS can support both industry and academic research, visit the NRFIS website at: www.nrfis.cam.ac.uk. Alternatively feel free to contact the NRFIS team to discuss your project requirements.
Schofield Centre
The Schofield Centre is a world-renowned laboratory for physical modelling in geotechnics. It is home to a wide range of experimental equipment, which includes the 10 m diameter Turner beam centrifuge, Minidrum centrifuge and Servo-controlled 2-axis actuators for simulating a range of civil engineering operations.
To find out how you can access the facilities available at the Schofield Centre contact schofield-centre@eng.cam.ac.uk to discuss your project needs.
Research Collaborations
Collaborations are essential for our research to be world-class, for it to achieve impact in the real world and for preparing our students for careers in engineering. We are always looking for ways to build connections, develop long-lasting relationships and foster the very best teams to address fundamental research challenges.
Research collaborations with the Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group can take on many forms. They can be a rapport, a student placement, a short student or consulting assignment, sometimes a joint-consortium team working on a specific project or a PhD studentship.
If you are interested in engaging in collaborative research or joining the Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group as a student or visitor, you may wish to contact a member of staff whose interests are similar to your own. Individual academics can be searched from their group pages (see quick links) or via the Civil Engineering people directory.
Alternatively contact the Civil Engineering Divisional Administrator (div-d@eng.cam.ac.uk) to discuss different options for collaboration.