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Geotechnical and Environmental Research Group



92. Guan X 2019 Measurement of soil strains under earthquake loading
91. Wong E K L 2019 Interaction between tunnel construction and existing infrastructure – numerical modelling and field observations
90. Dong J 2016 The Natural Frequency of Monopile Foundation for Offshore Wind Turbines
89. Wang Z 2012 Treatment of Reject Brine with Natural and Modified Zeolites
88. Allagoa M 2011 Solidification/sabilisation of contaminated site soil: field versus laboratory results
87. Au W 2009 An Experimental Study of Compensation Grouting in Silt
86. Saleh S 2008 Dynamic Response of Dams during Earthquakes.
85. Khokher Y R 2008 Seismic behaviour of embedded sheet pile retaining walls.
84. Cheung L K L 2008 Fibre Optic Strain Measurement for Monitoring Tunnel Lining Movements
83. Mori H 2008 The SPH Method to Simulate River Levee Failures
82. Uchida S 2008 Numerical Investigations of Fracture Prevention in Wellbores
81. Pal I 2007 Impact of Monsoon Rainfall on Soil Erosion
80. Lee Y S 2005 Centrifugal Modelling of Landslides Triggering Mechanism in Layered Fill Slopes
79. Gafar K O 2004 Fundamental Study of Grout Behaviour in Sandy Soils
78. El-Shafie M 2004 Effect of Building Stiffness on Excavation-Induced Displacements
77. Duru U E 2004 Combined immobilisation and bioremediation of contaminated soil
76. Osman A 2003 Permeability of Cement-Bentonite Mixtures in Aggressive Environments
75. Cheong T P 2003 Three dimensional finite element analyses of soil-pipeline interaction
74. Katelenich S M 2003 Wave-induced liquefaction of silt in the mini-drum centrifuge
73. Chua H Y 2003 Horizontal arching of earth pressures on retaining walls
72. Wong, P K P 2003 Centrifugal modelling of liquefaction failure of loose granitic fill slopes
71. Cheong M T 2003 Fundamental study on the influence of underground excavation on compensation grouting
70. Yeung F J 2002 Modelling of the behaviour of saprolitic soil slopes under severe rainfall
69. Vun P L 2002 Finite element analysis of soft clay stabilised with soil-cement columns beneath embankments
68. Osman A S E K 2002 Mobilisable soil strength for geotechnical design of retaining walls
67. Mojapelo H T 2002 Stabilisation of mine tailings using conventional and novel binders
66. Boes N C A 2001 Long-term behaviour of soil-mixed in-situ treated contaminated ground
65. Subedi B R 2000 Seismic stability of steep slopes
64. Chitambira B 2000 Innovative and sustainable applications of soil-mixed columns
63. Smith T L G 1999 Comparative study of permeable barrier materials for groundwater remediation
62. Peat L J 1998 In situ detection of non-aqueous phase liquids using a refractive index sensor.
61. Lee Y H 1998 Dynamic behaviour of liquefaction resistant bridge foundations
60. Barefoot A J 1998 Modelling the uplift resistance of buried pipes in a drum centrifuge
59. Faranski A S 1997 Uplift resistance of trench backfill in a soft Atlantic seabed clay
58. Sasakura T 1996 Suction enhanced fixity of jack-up foundations
57. Zeng X 1987 Centrifuge modelling of the effect of earthquakes on quay walls
56. White T P 1987 Finite element calculations involving the yielding of dilatant soils
55. Tan F S C 1987 The behaviour of wedge shaped footings in sand
54. Sun H W 1987 Soil structure interaction problem of retaining wall on compressible foundation
53. Nadasewaran V R 1987 Earthquake stability of coastal dykes on poor foundations
52. Maheetharan A 1987 Earthquake response of piles and pile groups
51. Liu D F 1987 Constitutive relation for sand
50. Lee S Y 1987 Propagation of ruptures beneath strip footings
49. Pennington D 1986 Dynamic cavity expansion in soils
48. Stewart D 1986 The deformation of walls retaining clay
47. Wilson J M R 1985 The dynamic properties of soils
46. Thompson R 1985 Laboratory testing of sand using the screw plate
45. Stone K J L 1985 Shear band formation in granular materials
44. Lau C K 1985 Grain size effects in soil models
43. Hensley P 1985 Thermally induced effects in saturated clay
42. Ventner K 1984 Earthquake induced liquefaction in the foundation of a model sea dyke
41. Tanaka H 1984 Bearing capacity of footings for "jack-up" platforms
40. Springman S 1984 lateral loading on piles due to embankment construction
39. Poorooshasb F 1984 Changes in the state of saturated clay during the embedment of a fast projectile
38. Habibian A 1984 The effect of surcharge loading on the pattern of tension cracks in soil
37. Featherstone J J 1984 Dynamic torsional testing of soils
36. Al-Tabbaa A 1984 Anisotropy of clay
35. Simons H A 1983 Dynamic finite element analysis of piles
34. Lee F H 1983 Partial liquefaction in centrifuge model embankment in an earthquake
33. Elmes D R 1983 Creep of a loose aggregate of rock salt crystal with saturated brine pore fluid
32. Ah Teck C Y 1982 The behaviour of spill-through abutments
31. Phillips R 1982 Trench excavations in clay
30. Nunez I L 1982 Centrifuge studies of tension pile behaviour
29. Lung R K W 1982 Variation of the lateral pressure of clay against a model wall
28. Silva Perez A A 1982 Conical footings under combined loads
27. Lee C s 1982 Forces on piers on spill-through abutments
26. Steedman R S s 1981 The effect of earthquakes on model retaining walls
25. Scarpelli G 1981 Shear bands in sand
24. Savvidou C 1981 Fracture and permeability change in soil
23. Mak K W 1981 The effect of a concentrated load behind a model retaining wall
22. Heidari M 1981 Earthquake induced liquefaction of uniform soil models
21. Dean E R T 1981 Aspects of earthquake effect on model dams
20. Cheah H 1981 Site investigation techniques for laboratory soil models
19. Almeida M S S 1981 Analysis of behaviour of an embankment on soft ground
18. Lawrence D 1980 Some properties associated with kaolinite soils
17. Wong K 1980 A study of the behaviour of Teton Dam soil with special reference to the low stress
16. Sellapah J 1980 The effect of pile compressibility on axial capacity
15. Kusakabe O 1980 Centrifuge model tests of an oil tank
14. Airey D 1980 Soils in the circular simple shear apparatus
13. Lau W G 1980 Investigations of the cyclic loading of clay
12. Taylor R N 1979 Stand up of a model tunnel in silt
11. Sloan S W 1979 Numerical prediction of collapse loads using finite element method
10. Kutter B L 1979 Behaviour of embankments under dynamic loading
9. Francescon M 1979 Measurement of shaft and end loads in a model penetrometer jacked into clay
8. Dorey R 1979 Transient seepage in saturated and partly saturated soils
7. Davies M C R 1979 Centrifugal modelling of embankment construction
6. Barton Y O 1979 Lateral loading of model piles in the centrifuge
5. Casarin C 1978 Soil deformations around tunnel headings in clay
4. Nova R 1977 Theoretical Studies of constitutive relations for sands
3. Rush K J 1974 A study of the vane shear test
2. Osho P A 1970 Influence of electrolytes on the stress-strain behaviour of soils
1. Overy B B 1952 The application of soil mechanics to a study of mole drilling